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with our business English courses

What I Do

It's All About One Thing:

Reducing Anxiety and stress when business people are called upon to communicate in English

I Help by improving the quality of communication

Relationships can be one of the strongest triggers of happiness and the reduction of stress. Good relationships provide support and help us keeping our spirits high.

On the other hand, relationships could become stressful and toxic, causing anxiety.

The most important part of what makes a relationship into a happy and free or a stressful and anxiety-filled one is the quality of the communication – whether oral or written.  

How Does It Work

We'll Just Go Through These 4 Easy ways


Helping you with everyday business communication, writing professional e-mails, preparing for successful interviews, phone calls, giving presentations, and much more – making it easier and less stressful to communicate.


A lot of decisions are made by email. Don’t annoy customers or peers with wrong spelling or punctuation! Write effective, clear, and structured emails to elicit the required action timeously. It is clear that with emails, you don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression


Partaking in meetings can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you’re not comfortable with the language used. Andy Molinsky said: “Meetings are a critical place to show your worth, build your reputation, and get your voice heard.”


Totally individualised tuition. You decide what you need to improve in the use of your English in the business environment. Whether you want to practise pronunciation, prepare for an interview, or improve talking to your colleagues, this can help you.

What is in it for you?

We are absolutely giving away 50% commissions and here’s why…

  • New Customer Acquisitions and building our subscriber base is vital to our business.
  • We know that the affiliate market is competitive with a ton of products to promote.
  • We know just how valuable our affiliates are in helping us continue to build our audience…
Let's Talk

Let Me Help You Grow Your Business.


Partaking in meetings can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you’re not comfortable with the language used. Andy Molinsky said: “Meetings are a critical place to show your worth, build your reputation, and get your voice heard.”


Totally individualised tuition. You decide what you need to improve in the use of your English in the business environment. Whether you want to practise pronunciation, prepare for an interview, or improve talking to your colleagues, this can help you.